About Us

Some Guidelines for Better Gatherings

The Steering Committee feels it appropriate to set forth some guidelines for the ways in which we come together. Some of the comments below grow out of the experience of older clubs and some are stated in our By-Laws.

The purpose and the principles of the club are clearly stated in the By-Laws of LIAHO, as well as basic policies and etiquette. This statement is intended to expand upon the By-Laws rather than change them.

Naturism or nudism embodies a large body of thought about the health benefit of being clothing free, about humans fitting into the natural environment appreciatively and carefully, about people coming to know each other in a more genuine manner without artificial trappings, and about developing personal confidence and mutual appreciation.

For gay men it is also an opportunity for us to make new friends and to strengthen the solidarity of the greater GLBT community.


The By-Laws, section 3c, state "The privacy of all members and applicants for membership is fundamental."

In addition to the regulation stated above, a participant should not at any time talk with friends or in public places about the names of specific people they may have seen at a LIAHO event.

Sexual Activity

The By-Laws, section 3f, state "LIAHO is a social club". Sexual activity is not one of the stated purposes or principles of the club.

Thoughtfulness toward your host

Your host has gone to some effort and expense to hold the event. Please bring a towel and sit on it to protect the furniture. Many hosts will cover their upholstered furniture, but please help in this manner as necessary.

Give your host a hearty "thanks!" for his hospitality.

Help with clean-up, etc. Let's leave the host's house as nice as we found it.


Being touched sends different messages to different people. Please be respectful of each other.